Magzter Coupons & Discount Codes Oct 2024

16 Best Magzter Offers Last Updated On 13th Oct, 24

( 310 reviews )

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Magzter Coupons
  • We hand-test our codes every day.
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  • We have exclusive coupons for your online shopping.

Magzter Saving Tips

Refer-a-Friend Program

Magzter's Refer-a-Friend Program rewards users with enticing benefits for inviting friends to join the platform.

Promotional Offers

Magzter frequently offers enticing promotional offers, including discounted subscriptions and bundled deals, for a wide range of digital magazines.

Subscription Bundles

Magzter offers subscription bundles, granting readers access to a diverse range of magazines for a comprehensive reading experience.


Annual Gold Subscription

Magzter Coupon Code: Avail Flat 55% OFF on Annual Gold Subscription

Unlock incredible savings with the Magzter coupon code! Enjoy a flat 55% off on your Annual Gold Subscription, granting you access to thousands of magazines and newspapers. Don't miss this limited-time offer to stay informed and entertained. Subscribe today and dive into a world of knowledge at an unbeatable price!


50% OFF Bonanza

Magzter Deal: Avail a Whopping 50% OFF on Magzter Gold Subscription

Don’t miss out on the incredible Magzter Deal! Enjoy a whopping 50% OFF on your Magzter Gold subscription, giving you access to thousands of magazines and newspapers from around the globe. Stay informed and entertained with premium content at half the price. Subscribe now and elevate your reading experience!


40% OFF

Magzter Discount: Enjoy Up to 40% OFF on Asian Photography Magazine Annual Subscription

Unlock the world of photography with Magzter! Enjoy up to 40% off on the annual subscription of Asian Photography Magazine. Discover stunning visuals, expert tips, and inspiring stories from the photography community. Don’t miss this chance to enhance your skills and stay updated on the latest trends in photography!

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45% OFF

Magzter Sale: Receive Up to 45% OFF on Business Traveller India Magazine 1-Year Subscription

Take advantage of the Magzter Sale and enjoy up to 45% off a one-year subscription to Business Traveller India magazine. Stay informed on the latest travel trends, tips, and destination insights tailored for business travelers. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your travel experience while saving significantly!


30% OFF

Magzter Voucher: Grab Up to 30% OFF on Reader's Digest India Magazine Annual Subscription

Unlock savings with the Magzter voucher, offering up to 30% OFF on an annual subscription to Reader's Digest India Magazine. Enjoy a year filled with engaging articles, inspiring stories, and helpful tips. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your reading experience while enjoying substantial savings on your favorite magazine!


35% OFF

Magzter Offer: Get Up to 35% OFF on Hello! India Magazine annual Subscription

Take advantage of the Magzter offer and enjoy up to 35% off on an annual subscription to Hello! India Magazine. Dive into exclusive celebrity interviews, lifestyle features, and fashion trends delivered straight to your doorstep. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay updated on the latest in entertainment and culture!


15% OFF

Magzter Deal: Redeem Up to 15% OFF on Harper's Bazaar India Magazine Annual Subscription

Unlock exclusive savings with the Magzter Deal! Enjoy up to 15% off on an annual subscription to Harper's Bazaar India Magazine. Stay updated on the latest fashion trends, beauty tips, and lifestyle insights delivered straight to your doorstep. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your reading experience at a reduced price!


40% OFF Extravaganza

Magzter Discount: Capture Up to 40% OFF on Travel+Leisure India Magazine Annual Subscription

Unlock exciting adventures with Magzter's exclusive offer! Enjoy up to 40% off on the annual subscription to Travel+Leisure India Magazine. Dive into inspiring travel stories, stunning photography, and expert recommendations. Don’t miss this chance to explore the world from your home. Subscribe now and start your journey!


Incredible 30% OFF

Magzter Sale: Unlock Up to 30% OFF on BBC TopGear India Magazine Annual Subscription

Don't miss the Magzter Sale! Unlock up to 30% off on your annual subscription to BBC TopGear India Magazine. Dive into the world of automobiles, exclusive reviews, and the latest automotive trends. Enhance your reading experience while enjoying significant savings. Grab this limited-time offer and fuel your passion for cars!


Spectacular 35% OFF

Magzter Voucher: Avail Up to 35% OFF on Scientific India Magazine Annual Subscription

Unlock incredible savings with the Magzter voucher, offering up to 35% off on the annual subscription to Scientific India Magazine. Stay informed on the latest scientific discoveries, innovations, and trends while enjoying premium content at a reduced price. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge affordably!


45% OFF

Magzter Offer: Enjoy Up to 45% OFF on evo India Magazine Annual Subscription

  1. Dive into the exhilarating world of evo India Magazine and save big with up to 45% off on your annual subscription.
  2. Buckle up for a year-long journey filled with gripping stories, stunning visuals, and expert insights into the latest trends in the automotive industry.
  3. Subscribe now and rev up your reading experience with Magzter! 

Mega 30% OFF

Magzter Deal: Receive Up to 30% OFF on RollingStone India Magazine Annual Subscription

  1. Enjoy a fabulous discount of up to 30% off on your annual subscription to RollingStone India Magazine.
  2. Immerse yourself in insightful articles, exclusive interviews, and captivating stories from the forefront of music and entertainment.
  3. Stay ahead of the curve with in-depth features on your favorite artists, emerging trends, and the latest happenings in the music industry.

5% OFF

Magzter Discount: Enjoy Up To 5% OFF on Guide Posts

  1. Now you can avail great discount of up to 5% off on Guide Post with Magzter.
  2. Explore from magzines of your choice like country living, car and driver, vogue us and more.
  3. So grab your desired collection of magazines with Magzter only.

Generous 10% OFF

Magzter Sale: Receive Up to 10% OFF on Vanitha Hindi Magazine Annual Subscription

  1. Unlock a world of vibrant narratives and insightful articles with Magzter. 
  2. Unlock up to 10% off on your annual subscription to Vanitha Hindi magazine.
  3. Experience a captivating blend of culture, lifestyle, and entertainment, meticulously curated to delight Hindi readers worldwide.
  4. Immerse yourself in thought-provoking features, compelling stories, and expertly crafted content that resonates with every aspect of your life.

20% OFF Deal

Magzter Voucher: Grab Up to 20% OFF on GlobalSpa Magazine Annual Subscription

  1. Dive into the serene oasis of GlobalSpa Magazine and save big with up to 20% off on your annual subscription.
  2. Elevate your self-care routine with expert insights, rejuvenating tips, and the latest trends in health, beauty, and mindfulness.
  3. Don't miss this chance to nurture your mind, body, and soul while saving generously. 

Whopping 50% OFF

Magzter Offer: Snag Up to 50% OFF on The Machinist Magazine 1-Year Subscription

  1. Unlock a world of innovation with The Machinist Magazine annual subscription, now available at up to 50% off. 
  2. Stay ahead of the curve with cutting-edge insights, expert analysis, and groundbreaking discoveries in the fields of engineering, manufacturing, and beyond.
  3. From the latest advancements in automation to in-depth features on industrial design, this subscription delivers unparalleled value to enthusiasts and professionals alike. 

How to Use Magzter Coupon

Select Your Magazines: Visit the Magzter India website and choose the magazines you want to purchase. Add them to your cart by clicking on the ‘Add to Cart’ or ‘Buy Now’ buttons next to each magazine.

Apply the Coupon Code: Proceed to the checkout page. Look for a field labeled ‘Apply coupon code’ or similar, usually located under the order summary or payment details. Enter the coupon code you have into this field exactly as it appears, without any extra spaces.

Confirm the Discount: Click the ‘Apply’ button after entering the coupon code. The page will update to show the discounted price. Ensure the discount is applied correctly to your total amount. Complete the transaction by entering your payment and shipping details to finalize your magazine purchase.

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